A Multi-Boutique Manager, Family of ETFs

At Regents Park Funds, we are focused on Actively Managed and Specialty / Thematic investment strategies. Our ETFs are intended as substitutes for, or compliments to traditional Core allocations and also as Opportunistic satellites.
We’re not the usual huge investment management firm. We are nimble, emerging next generation managers.
“When we couldn’t find the ETF strategies
we needed for our clients, we decided to build our own.”
– David Young, CEO / Founder Regents Park Funds

Built by Financial Advisors, for Financial Advisors

Regents Park Funds was born out of years of experience working with Financial Intermediaries and Asset Allocators to create robust and differentiated comprehensive model portfolios. We listened to our clients when they told us the world does not need another benchmark-driven core equity or fixed income ETF. When we couldn’t find the ETF strategies we needed for our clients, we decided to build our own.
Our Featured Strategies

Income Oriented Strategies
Our income-oriented strategies typically seek to generate income while reducing interest rate risk. These strategies can serve as a core or complement a traditional fixed income portfolio.

Equity Oriented Strategies
Our equity strategies typically seek to add alpha by implementing distinct investment strategies. These strategies can serve as a core or complement a core equity portfolio.

Multi-Asset Strategies
Our multi-asset strategies typically seek to deliver asset class diversification, and managed downside risk while optimizing upside participation. These strategies can be used as stand-alone investments, part of the Core of a diversified allocation, or as a volatility dampener within an alternative allocation.

Alternative, Hedged, & Tactical Strategies
Our alternative / hedged / tactical strategies typically seek to add alpha, reduce correlation to the market indexes and reduce downside risk. These strategies are typically used as all or part of an alternative allocation.
If you’re a financial intermediary or investment manager interested in creating or merging an ETF / mutual fund, Regents Park Funds may be your solution.
Our Investment Manager Partners
Regents Park Funds Founded



Anfield Founded


affinity founded



Years INVESTMENT Experience

foundations founded


Investors should carefully consider the investment objective, risks, charges and expenses of ETF Funds. This and other information is contained in the prospectus and should be read carefully before investing. For a prospectus please call 866-866-4848 or visit our website at regentsparkfunds. com. Regents Park Funds are distributed by Northern LightsDistributors, LLC, member FINRA/SIPC. Northern Lights Distributors, LLC and Regents Park Funds, LLC are not affiliated.
New funds provide a limited history of operations for investors to evaluate. As with all funds, there is a risk that you could lose money through your investment in these Funds. Many factors affect the Fund’s net asset value and performance. There is no guarantee that the investment will achieve its objectives, generate profits or avoid losses. The use of derivative instruments involves risks different from, or possibly greater than, the risks associated with investing directly in securities and other traditional investments. Investing in commodities or futures markets may subject the Fund to greater volatility than investments in traditional securities. These risks include (i) leverage risk (ii) risk of mispricing or improper valuation; and (iii) the risk that changes in the value of the futures contract may not correlate perfectly with the underlying index. There are risks associated with the sale and purchase of call and put options through the Fund’s underlying investments. The use of derivative instruments could lead to potentially greater gains, as well as the potential for greater losses than a fund that does not use derivatives.
“Core” is defined as the central or most important part of something. “ Opportunistic” is defined as taking advantage of opportunities as they arise. Source: Merriam-Webster. In common practice “Core” is typically the largest single allocation in a diversified portfolio – as an example, the Core of a U.S. stock portfolio is often the S&P 500. In common practice, “Satellite” is typically used to describe a mid-sized or smaller strategic allocation that is designed to complement or diversify the larger Core. As an example, if the Core of a U.S. stock portfolio is the S&P 500, then a Satellite allocation might be a lesser allocation to small cap stocks such as the Russell 2000.